My Adventure with 23 Things

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

and now we come to the end...

or the beginning, or thing 24, or whatever it is, I loved some of it, enjoyed most of it,I'll try to remember all of it, and I might actually use part of it. I'm sure that everyone who has been doing these 23 things will agree with me that it has been a good learning experience. I think I felt that once you knew how to search the internet, what more could there be? The image generators were fun and I love Bloglines, but I don't have much use for Technorati,, or Rollyo. Mashups gave me a headache. The picture sharing sites are fun - but I seem to break every camera I touch, so I might not use them again. Wikis are a great way to share information and I can see many, many ways we will use this technology in the future. I think E-books are underappreciated and I'm sure we will use this technology and be downloading our movies this way very soon. And as for You-Tube, well yes we can all be famous for 15 minutes (or less). Sometimes I think the hardest part was thinking of something to say on my blog. Hopefully, all of these things I have learned will help me download something to my MP3 player...


Awad said...

I agree. Some libraries already have this technology in place- able to download movies from the library's website. The future looks very promising! Great Blog!

Nice Guy said...

Even more image generator tools on

Anonymous said...

And you had fun.